
Two healthcare technologies were used in the project. The technologies include self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) and MHealth. Best technologies should reduce healthcare costs, provide information to both patients and nurses and improve the quality of care (Chérrez-Ojeda et al., 2018). The technologies are safe, easy to use, and available in society, and meet legal requirements. The two technologies link patients and nurses in different locations. Hospital visits and admissions are reduced since the technologies ensure the management of patients while in their homes. The technologies reduce medical errors, increase accuracy and ensure continuous evaluation and monitoring of the patient (Chérrez-Ojeda et al., 2018). Therefore the technologies selected addressed the problem based on the current situation in society.

Technology is advancing rapidly, and therefore there is an opportunity to improve the use of MHealth and SMBG in the future. The cases of diabetes are rising, and therefore policies to reduce hospital congestion will encourage the use of the technologies. Increased use of computers, smartphones, and the internet is also an opportunity to use the technologies (Chérrez-Ojeda et al., 2018). The use of the technologies should also be incorporated in the education and training of medical professionals. Research on improving the use of the technologies is also an opportunity.

NURS-FPX 4900 Assessment 5 Intervention Presentation and Capstone Video Reflection

How health policy influenced the planning and implementation of the capstone project and contributions of the project made to policy development

Health policies influenced the planning and implementation of the project. As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, I should follow the laid down policies and principles in caring for the patient. Therefore, I had to ensure that the project observes health policies and standards. One of the health policies that influenced the project is the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act (PSQIA) of 2005 (Beck et al., 2018). Aspects of the project had ensured patient safety and improve the quality of the care given to patients. Other policies, such as the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid programs, affected the project. The project was to identify ways that ensure all patients access care at a low cost. Policies regarding confidentiality and privacy were considered. Ethical principles were also considered. The project influenced health policies by providing a safe intervention that can be used to solve the problem of diabetes. Health education can be incorporated into health policies to improve patient outcomes.

Whether capstone project outcomes matched my initial predictions

Most of the aspects of the project met my expectations. I expected diabetes to be a problem whose burden is increasing with time. Evidence and data used in the project indicated the increasing burden of diabetes hence meeting my expectations. I also expected to find health technologies that use computers and smartphones, which was met in the project. I was aware of other interventions, such as interdisciplinary collaboration, to deal with the problem of diabetes. I did not expect health education to be the best intervention for managing diabetes. However, contrary to my expectations, the project identified health education as the best intervention. The intervention of health education will be adopted as the best practice because it increases the skills of knowledge of both nurses and patients. The intervention encourages nurse-patient interaction and reminds nurses and patients of what they are expected to do to improve outcomes. Education in other settings improves the staffs’ skills and knowledge. It can also be used to cover the nursing shortage in different departments.

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